Why restore rather than replace?
Purchasing a replacement tender for a Superyacht represents a substantial investment. It is likely that throughout a tender’s life, a number of modifications will have been made to increase guest comfort, efficiency of use and visual aesthetics. Once a crew have become used to a particular tender’s characteristics and how this works in practice in all applications, it is often a difficult task to replace ‘like for like’ once the tender starts deteriorating due to its age. This is a view shared by a large number of experienced yacht crew we have spoken to.
It is with this in mind that lead to our latest service of ‘Superyacht Tender Refurbishment’. This bespoke service not only preserves a crew’s familiarity and confidence with their tender but also provides a cost-effective solution compared to a new purchase which often has a punishing lead-time from the point of order. In addition, we hear all too often that the main refit shipyards simply are not interested in performing this type of work and so tend to set a very high price. Refurbishment also has obvious green credentials for the environment.
The Process is simple:
We come down to the yacht, personally go through the work required and go into detail of the custom modifications we can do to make the tender more efficient for the crew as well as a visual update. Once the work is agreed, we then collect the tender and take it back to our workshops in the UK. Our team will then commence work once having established the timeline and schedule. A weekly spreadsheet with photographic work progress is sent to the client with any variation orders taken into account. We do encourage the crew to visit us during the work to inspect the progress and of course be present for the sea trials. Once work if completed and signed off, the tender is then valeted and shrink wrapped prior to shipping. A member of our team will then fly down to be present when the tender arrives and personally go through the final sea trial and acceptance. It is our aim that the tender is refurbished to the highest standard and will present ‘as new’.
Our Work
At the end of 2019, we took delivery of identical 7.0m Novurania ‘Chase’ tenders off one of the most prestigious 63m Charter Yachts. The crew and Owner were delighted with the results of the comprehensive refurbishment. Have a look through the images!